duminică, 3 august 2008

Massive Attack in Romania

THEY WERE HERE. And I was there.

Amazing concert with incredible sounds and political messages personalized - in a way - for our country. I have no words to describe the amazing atmosphere created there.

The lead-singer's voice went directly to my soul and the melange of instruments was perfect! Listening to those songs live was an incredible opportunity and I suggest everyone to go to Massive Attack's concerts if they have the possibility because it's an ideal concert indeed and you can't really get it irrespective how well someone describes it for you unless you are there...

What was more incredible for me was the after party @ Fabrica. I was dancing on Gojira's music, and heard all sorts of rumours that the components of Massive Attack were going to be there. "Pfff", I was thinking, "right. Like they're really gonna come here.". BUT THEY HAVE!

Talking to Xi at one moment of the night, she suddenly stopped talking and was acting as if she couldn't breathe anymore when... I turned. To my surprise, Daddy G WAS THERE! At about 1 metre away from us! Unfortunately, he wasn't feeling so well so he left. But my brother, Vania, told us to come in the last room from Fabrica where the last of the members were there!! For about 3 hours we were in a dream. Talking to the lead singer about animals, music and common things was unreal... All the members were so sociable, and so detached, and so... no further comments. Not only do they have great talent and are so popular but acting so common was a real surprise! I know they're people but knowing all sorts of other artists... it was amazing!

They were also pleasantly surprised by the mass of romanian people who came to see them live. They didn't expect the concert to be such a succes. To finish up, they were pretty impressed by the people here compared to Britain.
Martina Topley Bird was also there, a really cute girl with a great voice. I didn't catch her whole show but I was impressed by her last 15 minutes. Great show and again... really sociable.
Actually, I don't know any other worldwide-known bands who would come to after parties in an ex-FACTORY.

All in all, it was an unreal night!

PS: If any of the photographers who were at the after party is reading this, do leave me a message cause I completely forgot to ask where I can get those photos :).
PPS: Sorry for the repeating of some words but I'm still too numb to think or react.

12 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

la ce ora a fost petrecerea? si cand s-a terminat? please, poti sa-mi spui? :)
(btw, daca faci rost de poze, poti sa le postezi sau hm ceva?)

P.S. sorry ca am comentat in romana, dar engleza mea e prea proasta ca sa ma fac inteleasa.

devotchka spunea...

ei au venit pe la 2 si au plecat pe la 4 jumatate - 5 nu mai tin minte exact pt ca nu mai conta in acel moment :). da, abia astept sa vad pozele... dar sper sa fac rost de ele!

nu e nimic :P. eu scriu in engleza pentru a fi mai fluenta si a ma obisnui.

Anonim spunea...

am inteles. :) well, bravo tie ca ai reusit sa stai pana atunci. o experienta de neuitat oricum si pentru cei care au vazut numai concertul, nu si petrecerea.

devotchka spunea...

da stiu, normal, nici nu ma asteptam sa apara acolo, eram super uimita!

Anonim spunea...

atunci cum de ai ramas la petrecere daca nu te asteptai totusi sa vina? ;))
ai facut poza cu robert sau cu toti? :D iiii ce tare!

enthusiastyk spunea...

Ti-am descoperit blogul pe google. Eu am stat in primul rand la concert. Daca as fi stiut ca exista un after party unde ar fi venit si ei, as fi fost acolo cu siguranta. Ma bucur ca am apucat sa citesc ce ai scris. Sunt chiar asa deschisi si ok, adica ar fi vorbit cu oricine?

devotchka spunea...

@ inyourroom: am mers pt Gojira la after. totusi, cum sa iti imaginezi ca Massive Attack vor veni in Fabrica?! am facut poza doar cu Robert, pt ca Daddy G a stat doar 5 minute. Mai erau Martina, tipul cu care a cantat ea, si crewurile lor, dar la sfarsit ramasesera doar Robert si un tip John, basist la M.A. am impresia. oricum ma uitam la lumea din club, nu l-au recunoscut pe Daddy G nici sa-i bati!

daca nu fac rost de poza... ma voi uri toata viata. nu stiu cum am putut uita sa-i cer mailul...

@ enthusiastyk: DA! Robert a vorbit cu o prietena de-a mea - Xi - despre pisici. Jumatate de ora! Au vorbit cu noi despre comunism, despre animale, despre muzica, despre diverse tipuri de oameni, despre orice! Nici nu imi mai amintesc tot, pentru ca vorbeam cu ei orice ne venea in minte, doar ca sa vorbim cu ei :P.

Anonim spunea...

despre pisici? ce sweet!
ahhh, sunt geloasa!! :))) habar n-aveam unde avea loc petrecerea de dupa, mi-as fi dorit sa-i astept dar deh.. prea tarziu.

Anonim spunea...

Ai reusit sa-l gasesti pe fotografu disparut? :lol:

devotchka spunea...

nu, din pacate, nu :(

insa uite filmulete cu momentul aparitiei lor la fabrica: http://www.feeder.ro/2008/08/03/feedback-video-imagini-massive-attack-bucuresti-2008/

Anonim spunea...

mersi de link :) ce bine arata :D

devotchka spunea...

hehe i know *drooling*