miercuri, 29 aprilie 2009

Ce am invatat azi 1

Bine, azi, ieri, ce mai conteaza?

** Stefan cel Mare, Vlad Tepes si Matei Corvin au copilarit impreuna pentru ca mai apoi sa se ajute reciproc in a deveni regi in diferite regiuni. De asemenea in aceeasi perioada mai ieseau si "la un suc".

** Primul ABCdar a fost facut de Creanga si nu incepea cu A ci cu IN, trecand apoi la NI, UN, NU, NUC, CUC, etc.

** Una dintre primele propozitii din acest ABCdar era nu ma spal cu unt pe cap si propozitiile nu incepeau cu litera mare. Spre final ii invata pe copii si scrierea chirilica.

** Acum 30 si ceva de ani, cum nu exista notiunea de meditatii sau daca exista era oricum ceva intalnit rar, copiii care vroiau sa studieze matematica in continuare dupa liceu trebuiau sa se descurce singuri. "Si cum intelegeau ei problemele scrise cu sume aij, cum sunt scrise subiectele la ASE, daca nu li se preda asta in liceu?" am intrebat eu. "Pai, de aceea exista Gazeta Matematica, si toti care vroiau facultate lucrau singuri din ea." mi-a venit raspunsul imediat.

More to come.

marți, 28 aprilie 2009


Pentru mine, ideea de cutremur imi inspira faptul ca Pamantul, din inima lui, ne vrea off it si fiecare mic cutremur e o amenintare, un nou pas spre un cutremur mare in care totul se va narui si populatia va fi expulzata. SF, dar imi place ideea.

Unii au simtit cutremurul de pe 26 aprilie, altii nu. Frica cea mai mare in ceea ce priveste cutremurele nu e ca te balangani un pic, ca pana la urma cu totii ne-am dat in leagan si invartitoare copii fiind, ci faptul ca nu stii cat dureaza, cat de puternic va fi si ce se poate intampla. Practic nestiinta creeaza frica, dar asta nu e ceva nou.

Daca am auzi la televizor "Un cutremur de 5.3 grade va avea loc pe data de xx.xx.2009 la ora 18:37 si va dura 20 de secunde" si ar fi scientifically-proven dinainte, nimeni nu s-ar mai panica. Asa insa, luati prin surprindere, am auzit de oameni care au iesit in fata blocului in pijama de frica, mai ales dupa ce au trecut prin cutremurul din '77.

Cand eram mica ma speriau cutremurele dar de indata ce se terminau, mai vroiam unul. Acum insa, dupa ce mi-a povestit taica-miu ca la cutremurul din '77, dupa ce a coborat 2 etaje pe scari si a ajuns afara, a cazut in genunchi de puternic ce era si a mai durat si un minute si ceva, ma cam sperie ideea unui cutremur mai mare de 6 grade.

Ce m-a determinat sa scriu postul asta insa este atitudinea animalelor din casa mea care a fost... nula. Nici cainele, nici pisica nu au avut nici cea mai mica reactie, nici macar in timpul cutremurului, daramite inainte. Sa fie cainele meu asa bleg si Treispe asa de preocupat de mancare incat sa nu mai aiba niciun fel de instinct?!

luni, 27 aprilie 2009

Defense of the Ancients

I love playing DOTA.
I am writing this post for all my friends and all the people who don't understand why I play this game.

For those of you who aren't acquinted with the 'term', DOTA, also known as Defence of the Ancients, is a map designed by IceFrog for Warcraft 3. It soon became so popular that people didn't say they were playing Warcraft anymore, but Dota. Servers especially made for Dota appeared and it really is an addictive game.

I won't explain exactly how you play it as it takes a while to become a pretty good player and you won't understand it anyway.
Firstly, you must understand that dota is a GAME. People PLAY it because it is relaxing, entertaining and challenging just as a macao game or a match of fotball - although ATTENTION you may become a hooligan.

While some of you like reading fashion magazines that cover typical subjects and offer to you useless information, I enjoy the excitement of a new game when seeing what heroes were chosen by my team and what were the opposite's team choices.

While you like going through shops and wandering unknowingly deciding which pair of sunglasses suits you best, I like choosing items for my hero, so that I will stand heroically against my enemies - and beating the crap out of my brother and my ex-boyfriend.

While you like discussing how much of an idiot is the guy that fucked you and then left you, at a soda in the center of our city, looking for cute guys who will also fuck you and leave you, I enjoy thinking what is best to buy first, considering their price and efficiency.

While you like watching low buget stupid comedies, I like the challenge of each game and talking to people from all the corners of the earth about music, movies, books and games.
I know the last argument may get you thinking that I am a geeky person and perhaps I am, but I am still a sociable person and I am able to talk about anything else rather than dota when I go out with my un-geeky friends. However, I would rather cut my wrists wide open than talking about Gucci purses and nails for 2 hours.

My problem - if I had one, wouldn't lie in those who like doing what I mentioned above, but in those who play other life-consuming games such as WoW, Lineage, Heroes, Counter-Strike etc - cause i can go on and on giving examples - and still tackle me for playing dota.

Btw, to my fellow dota-colleagues : if I like playing with one particular guy dota, doesn't mean I have hang a poster of him on my wall, or that he is a better friend than you. It only means that I like playing with him because he is calm and relaxed even if we lose because, after all, it really is only a game.
Check out the tags!

joi, 23 aprilie 2009

Random thoughts

I dont consider myself smart, I dont see myself as a beautiful person, I dont consider myself really good at anything in particular but believe me... Sometimes I feel like Im the best. When I see how important fashion is for some, when I realize how stupid are the fights within relationships, when I see that some cant understand obvious jokes, when I realize how narrow minded are some people... I feel accomplished, I feel as if I dont live in the same world as the rest of the people. Its like Im on LSD and i watch every move from somewhere above - no reference to religion in any way.

However, I dont trust myself. I dont believe I'll be able to live on my own as most of the people mentioned above do. That's when I wonder...

What's my problem?

Song: Jamiroquai - Virtual Insanities