I’m pretty sure some of you won’t agree of this post, but you’re free to share your opinions.
Before I got my period, someone told me 2 things I wasn’t allowed to do while menstruating. First one was 'don’t get wet' and the second one 'you aren’t allowed to go into a church'. As I was quite small, I thought the first one was related to something biologically, like you’re going to get stuff if you get into water – not understanding that the person was talking about swimming pools. However, I was sure women showered during that period :)).
But what intrigued me and actually intrigues me now even more is the second advice. Why wouldn’t I be allowed to go into a church? Not that I’m that religious, I’m on Darwin’s side on this one, but still why aren’t you allowed? A person told me that it’s a sin. WHY?! Apparently you’re not ‘clean’ if you’re menstruating. But didn’t, so they say, God make us all? Why would he not agree with us, women, if he made us? It doesn’t make any sense, Darwin’s more logical than that.
Levitic: „De va avea femeia curgere de sânge, care curge din trupul său, trebuie să stea şapte zile pentru curăţirea sa… Dacă femeii îi va curge sânge mai multe zile şi nu în timpul regulii ei, sau dacă ea are curgere mai mult decât timpul regulii ei obişnuite, atunci în tot timpul curgerii necurăţiei ei va fi necurată, ca şi în timpul regulii ei.”
Sf. Atanasie cel Mare este mai îngăduitor şi consideră scurgerile cele fireşti ca neavând nici un fel de păcat şi nici un fel de necurăţie, iar concepţiile că aceste scurgeri ar fi păcătoase şi depărtarea de biserică pe seama lor, le pune pe seama diavolului.
Well that’s more like it.
There are more problems with religious stuff, like why do babies get born with all sorts of diseases? It’s not as if they’re sinful at 2 months old. But I’m done talking about this. It bores me a bit. Anyhow, I haven’t been into a church since I fainted in one, like 6 or 7 years ago.
(c) The religious quotes were taken from here.
Look what I’ve found – well, not me… but I am the one sharing it with you so anyways:
You should definitely hear more from these guys - The Heavy - I’m sure you're going to agree. David Letterman himself asked for a bis.
These 2 Happy Fish Productions make me laugh so hard each time I see them, so you should really check them out:
Avatarul dupa Oscar - Avatar after the Oscar Awards
Turbo cana 500 - Turbo cup 500
Until I find Laura Marling - Is a Hope, I'll let you enjoy the following song:
Did I mention how much I hate this weather?! I haven't gotten sick all winter and now, in March, I'm feeling awful. I have no idea how snowdrops got out. I detest it. I really do, in its true meaning. I surely hope it won't be snowy until May, as a friend told me...
PS: For those of you who searched ‘how can I see the Red Cliff movie for free’ [‘cum pot sa vad filmul Red Cliff gratis’] just try torrents. Great choice btw!
PPS: For those of you who searched 'Chinese models paintings' [‘modele chinezesti picturi’] sorry you had to find my amateurish paintings :P.
And as a closing quote: 'wanting to know an author because you like his work is like wanting to know a duck because you like pate.' or, as my brother put it 'wanting to fuck an author because you like his work is like wanting to fuck a duck because you like pate'.
sâmbătă, 13 martie 2010
How do you like me now?
english written post,
happy fish,
romanian written post,
the heavy
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2 comentarii:
Stii, religia nu-i altceva decat o forma de manipulare a maselor care a functionat pentru mai bine de 5 milenii. Promoveaza un set de valori comun agreate de mai multe persoane, in numele unei asa zise divinitati.
Asa ca de ce ar fi manstruatia pacat? Pentru ca era vazuta ca si varsare de sange. Doar ca la vremea aceea lipsea explicatia stiintifica pentru fenomenul de mai sus, si era interpretata ca si un semn divin (trebuia explicat cumva). Logica era simpla: varsare de sange=rau, femeia=varsare de sange ergo femeia = rau (multe manastiri nu permit nici astazi accesul femeilor inauntru - vezi Meteora).
Sper ca ti-am raspuns la intrebare :)
Stii, religia nu-i altceva decat o forma de manipulare a maselor care a functionat pentru mai bine de 5 milenii. Promoveaza un set de valori comun agreate de mai multe persoane, in numele unei asa zise divinitati.
Asa ca de ce ar fi manstruatia pacat? Pentru ca era vazuta ca si varsare de sange. Doar ca la vremea aceea lipsea explicatia stiintifica pentru fenomenul de mai sus, si era interpretata ca si un semn divin (trebuia explicat cumva). Logica era simpla: varsare de sange=rau, femeia=varsare de sange ergo femeia = rau (multe manastiri nu permit nici astazi accesul femeilor inauntru - vezi Meteora).
Sper ca ti-am raspuns la intrebare :)
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