... inceperii facultatii.
M-am plictisit de mor. Astfel abia astept sa inceapa facultatea. Cate dota sa ma mai joc?! Cate filme si seriale sa mai vad?! CAT SA MAI PETREC?! :))
Revenind. M-am plictisit. Prin urmare am inceput sa observ cele mai inutile chestii.
Spre exemplu... Campania Hochland 8 triunghiuri la pret de 7. Sa mori tu! Ca n-o fi acelasi diametru si aceeasi cantitat... Dar na, recunosc, cand oamenii's prosti, profiti de ei :)).
De asemenea, eu inteleg ca Universitatea Ecologica n-are nicio treaba cu limba romana, dar mi se pare de bun simt sa se numeasca Universitatea de Ecologie.
Magazinasul numit Alex Calm de pe coltul unei strazi mi s-a parut initial ca are un nume tembel, insa... analizand situatia, era un nume mai mult decat potrivit. Magazinul era intr-o intersectie si practic aproape oriunde stateai vedeai magazinul si era ca o indemnare de "Stai calm in trafic". Sau poate am eu prea multa imaginatie si n-am ce sa fac cu ea.
Sunt socata de cate afise cu House MD si Californication sunt prin oras dar ma bucura aceasta schimbare. AXN, keep up the good work!
La ping-pong zilele trecute, prietenii mei au inventat un nou joc numit Betminpong. Se joaca partial cu masa si partial cu aerul, pentru cui nu i se pare destul de evident :P.
Iar astazi, ca sa intelegeti cat de rau ma pot plictisi - mai ales de cand mi s-a reglat programul de somn si am castigat vreo 4 ore de activitati... AM GATIT. Am facut spaghete si am pus tot ce mi-a trecut prin cap gen niste bulion, niste carne, niste legume, niste condimente, nu mai tin minte exact ce dar au iesit foarte bune. Sau doar mi-era mie prea foame. Poate scriu si-o reteta... cand mi-oi aminti ingredientele *whistling*.
In legatura cu filmele pe care le-am vazut in ultima vreme am de spus un singur lucru. Ma plictiseam rau de am rezistat sa ma uit la ele. Insa, am gasit si cateva filme acceptabile printre care pot enumera: Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day, The Boat That Rocked, Grace, Factory Girl, World's Greatest Dad, Monsters vs. Aliens si cel mai dubios film de la Oldboy incoace: Mum & Dad.
Final Destination 3D sucked ass. Predictable & unoriginal.
In continuarea plictiselii mele ma voi apuca sa fac niste roboti din pachete de tigari, ma voi mai uita la cateva filme proaste si imi voi prelungi goldmembership-ul de la Garena.
PS: Facebook kicks ass :D
PPS: A aparut noul sezon din Californication.
luni, 28 septembrie 2009
In asteptarea...
romanian written post,
tv shows
marți, 15 septembrie 2009
Sur meli et sur teli '09
Sooooo... I didn't crash! And it was by far the best holiday I've ever had.
Before leaving everyone was like "Don't go with your parents, it's going to suck so badly!" but I didn't listen to them. And I'm really glad I didn't.
I stayed for one week at the Surmeli hotel in Kusadasi in which I've lived more than I've ever lived in my whole life. I met a lot of cool people from England, Holland, Belgium, Iran and of course Turkey, I swum all day in like 3 different pools, I talked with all sorts of weird people, I laughed, I danced, I played a lot of ping pong, darts and archery, I went jet ski-ing, scuba diving, parasailing, I went clubbing in Kusadasi, I also had time to get a beautiful tan, I had a lot of massages and turkish baths and I went on my own almost everywhere...
After all these I felt as if it was nothing more I could do to make it THE best holiday. But on the last night, the animation team had put me down on the 'Best Couple' competition with Mike, an English guy, even though we didn't want to. Thus, I also got on stage and had to do a lot of stuff I didn't think I could EVER do in front of so many people. After the show, people I didn't talked to before were calling me "Miss Romania" in the hotel *blush*.
Every British person I've talked to told me that I speak really well english and one Irish girl even asked me from which part of England I am. Another 3 British girls kept telling me that I'm really smart and when they found out that I am going to study Chinese... Well that was the Chinese drop for them, hehe.
Regarding the water sports I have done, jet ski-ing is really fun. I kept asking what speed we were going with, but all he understood was "SPEED? you want speed?!" and VRRRRRUMMMMM there we went haha. Then he let me drive it and I was like crazy, I kept speeding and speeding and water kept splashing around us, great times. He said I'm a really crazy driver :D.
Then I went scuba diving in another hotel by myself. I met the guy I went scuba diving 3 years ago and he recognized me immediately and another guy who had seen me the night before in a club in Kuasadasi - really now, what were the odds?. They started explaining me how to breathe under water and I was like "I know, I know that, I know that too, let's just dive already!!". I went 10 metres deep, I saw an octopus *love* and made fun with Jenky about fish smoking and drinking when we saw a packet of cigars and a bottle of alcohol under water. When we got out he was amazed how quickly I had learnt so he told me that I can get a license in proffesional scuba diving in no more than 3 days and I'll be able to reach the reef point - at 18 metres. I didn't have time to take it this year, but next year I'm surely going to.
That same day I was sooooo excited about my scuba diving trip that I also went parasailing. That guy was totally hiting on me in front of my father :)) and before I got up, he told me that because I weigh so little - 35 kilos - I'm going to get higher than the others. And I did. I was above everything. The boat had 1 cm from where I was hanging :D. The weather was beautiful, it was really sunny and it was an amazing view. However, I'm quite afraid of heights so I didn't move at all. I was really scared of not falling or anything, cause about 100 metres high is quite... high!
I'm upset I didn't go with the Big Mable or the Speedy, but these are more fun if you're with friends so... I'm going to try it next year.
And another fact I loved in Turkey is that people usually gave me 19 20 years, while some romanians from there asked me if I was 12, even after the BEST COUPLE show.
I could have stayed there 6 months without missing the people around here, my computer or anything related to Romania - besides my family, friends, my dog and my cat.
All in all, it was a gorgeous holiday and I have changed quite a lot. I'm seeing everything differently. I'm going to take dancing classes, I'm going to volunteer to a lot more stuff, maybe get a job too, basically I'm going to stay less on my computer and just wander around. I'm also going to smile idiotically at everyone and everything, be more relaxed and do whatever I feel like doing - not that I didn't do this before, but now I'm talking of a different extent :P.
Anyway, I'm going to post some photos, hope you'll enjoy them, as much as I enjoyed my holiday. Oh, wait, you can't :P.
Maman & papa
Yunus, the listening to techno photographer :D
Part of the animation team: Tayfun, Kevin, me, Murat & John
The rest of them were Paris, the daily sportif, Jamal, the presentator, Katie aka Pink Lady aka The Joker, Iulia, the russian girl, the dj from Mozambic, the animation crew manager - sorry didn't quite catch his name and there were some more but unfortunately I didn't got to talking to them.
This old man was soooo cute to me. He gave me all sorts of stuff, like chocolate, turkish artifacts and face creams when I was burnt. Before I left, I took this photo with him and he gave me his adress to send it to him :). He also told me that he had a dream about me and that I'll be really happy. He also knew how to read in coffee. So many nice people in Turkey...
My face states: I'M SO HAPPY!
Next year I'm definitely going to Turkey again, but not for less than 2 weeks! I suggest everyone to go to Turkey - for either relaxing, or having fun this is one of the greatest places. I'm totally in love with the turkish eye and the turkish nargile and the turkish tea and the turkish waiters and the turkish sand and the turkish people and the turkish atmosphere... and the turkish everything!
Before leaving everyone was like "Don't go with your parents, it's going to suck so badly!" but I didn't listen to them. And I'm really glad I didn't.
I stayed for one week at the Surmeli hotel in Kusadasi in which I've lived more than I've ever lived in my whole life. I met a lot of cool people from England, Holland, Belgium, Iran and of course Turkey, I swum all day in like 3 different pools, I talked with all sorts of weird people, I laughed, I danced, I played a lot of ping pong, darts and archery, I went jet ski-ing, scuba diving, parasailing, I went clubbing in Kusadasi, I also had time to get a beautiful tan, I had a lot of massages and turkish baths and I went on my own almost everywhere...
After all these I felt as if it was nothing more I could do to make it THE best holiday. But on the last night, the animation team had put me down on the 'Best Couple' competition with Mike, an English guy, even though we didn't want to. Thus, I also got on stage and had to do a lot of stuff I didn't think I could EVER do in front of so many people. After the show, people I didn't talked to before were calling me "Miss Romania" in the hotel *blush*.
Every British person I've talked to told me that I speak really well english and one Irish girl even asked me from which part of England I am. Another 3 British girls kept telling me that I'm really smart and when they found out that I am going to study Chinese... Well that was the Chinese drop for them, hehe.
Regarding the water sports I have done, jet ski-ing is really fun. I kept asking what speed we were going with, but all he understood was "SPEED? you want speed?!" and VRRRRRUMMMMM there we went haha. Then he let me drive it and I was like crazy, I kept speeding and speeding and water kept splashing around us, great times. He said I'm a really crazy driver :D.
Then I went scuba diving in another hotel by myself. I met the guy I went scuba diving 3 years ago and he recognized me immediately and another guy who had seen me the night before in a club in Kuasadasi - really now, what were the odds?. They started explaining me how to breathe under water and I was like "I know, I know that, I know that too, let's just dive already!!". I went 10 metres deep, I saw an octopus *love* and made fun with Jenky about fish smoking and drinking when we saw a packet of cigars and a bottle of alcohol under water. When we got out he was amazed how quickly I had learnt so he told me that I can get a license in proffesional scuba diving in no more than 3 days and I'll be able to reach the reef point - at 18 metres. I didn't have time to take it this year, but next year I'm surely going to.
That same day I was sooooo excited about my scuba diving trip that I also went parasailing. That guy was totally hiting on me in front of my father :)) and before I got up, he told me that because I weigh so little - 35 kilos - I'm going to get higher than the others. And I did. I was above everything. The boat had 1 cm from where I was hanging :D. The weather was beautiful, it was really sunny and it was an amazing view. However, I'm quite afraid of heights so I didn't move at all. I was really scared of not falling or anything, cause about 100 metres high is quite... high!
I'm upset I didn't go with the Big Mable or the Speedy, but these are more fun if you're with friends so... I'm going to try it next year.
And another fact I loved in Turkey is that people usually gave me 19 20 years, while some romanians from there asked me if I was 12, even after the BEST COUPLE show.
I could have stayed there 6 months without missing the people around here, my computer or anything related to Romania - besides my family, friends, my dog and my cat.
All in all, it was a gorgeous holiday and I have changed quite a lot. I'm seeing everything differently. I'm going to take dancing classes, I'm going to volunteer to a lot more stuff, maybe get a job too, basically I'm going to stay less on my computer and just wander around. I'm also going to smile idiotically at everyone and everything, be more relaxed and do whatever I feel like doing - not that I didn't do this before, but now I'm talking of a different extent :P.
Anyway, I'm going to post some photos, hope you'll enjoy them, as much as I enjoyed my holiday. Oh, wait, you can't :P.
Maman & papa
Yunus, the listening to techno photographer :D
Part of the animation team: Tayfun, Kevin, me, Murat & John
The rest of them were Paris, the daily sportif, Jamal, the presentator, Katie aka Pink Lady aka The Joker, Iulia, the russian girl, the dj from Mozambic, the animation crew manager - sorry didn't quite catch his name and there were some more but unfortunately I didn't got to talking to them.
This old man was soooo cute to me. He gave me all sorts of stuff, like chocolate, turkish artifacts and face creams when I was burnt. Before I left, I took this photo with him and he gave me his adress to send it to him :). He also told me that he had a dream about me and that I'll be really happy. He also knew how to read in coffee. So many nice people in Turkey...
My face states: I'M SO HAPPY!
Next year I'm definitely going to Turkey again, but not for less than 2 weeks! I suggest everyone to go to Turkey - for either relaxing, or having fun this is one of the greatest places. I'm totally in love with the turkish eye and the turkish nargile and the turkish tea and the turkish waiters and the turkish sand and the turkish people and the turkish atmosphere... and the turkish everything!
english written post,
jet ski,
scuba diving,
sâmbătă, 5 septembrie 2009
moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist moist
Apparently this word seems 'too pornographic' by one of the characters in a series I started watching recently, Dead Like Me. It doesn't seem that pornographic, does it? *wondering*
Anyways, because I care so so much about y'all, before I'm leaving Bucharest I'm gonna suggest you the coolest porno movie EVER. I mean, how could I swim all day long, smoke opium-aromated nargile and go scuba diving when I know you all are so depressed and sad?!
The Fashionistas. CD4. Awesome shit! It features Belladonna and Rocco Siffredi, what more could you ask for?! :P
Rocco Siffredi has a huge dick and Belladonna has the perfect face for a blowjob, or so states my brother. Anyways, I don't know if Belladonna's face is such a perfect face for a head, however what I do know is that she has a gorgeous atletic body and I'm pretty sure she had taken some gimnastics classes before becoming a porn star. If not, if she's just born that way... WOW.
I hope you'll enjoy it!
PS: I hope I won't crash :-s.
Apparently this word seems 'too pornographic' by one of the characters in a series I started watching recently, Dead Like Me. It doesn't seem that pornographic, does it? *wondering*
Anyways, because I care so so much about y'all, before I'm leaving Bucharest I'm gonna suggest you the coolest porno movie EVER. I mean, how could I swim all day long, smoke opium-aromated nargile and go scuba diving when I know you all are so depressed and sad?!
The Fashionistas. CD4. Awesome shit! It features Belladonna and Rocco Siffredi, what more could you ask for?! :P
Rocco Siffredi has a huge dick and Belladonna has the perfect face for a blowjob, or so states my brother. Anyways, I don't know if Belladonna's face is such a perfect face for a head, however what I do know is that she has a gorgeous atletic body and I'm pretty sure she had taken some gimnastics classes before becoming a porn star. If not, if she's just born that way... WOW.
I hope you'll enjoy it!
PS: I hope I won't crash :-s.
english written post,
rocco siffredi,
the fashionistas
joi, 3 septembrie 2009
The Mild Cigar
I was just about to quit smoking but I decided to just switch to Hamlet the moment I saw this:
... as opposed to this shit right here:
While I was watching some commercials I also came across this one, which is quite funny :)
And don't forget: Happiness is a cigar called Hamlet. The mild cigar.
PS: I wasn't 'just about to quit smoking' but it sounded nice.
... as opposed to this shit right here:
While I was watching some commercials I also came across this one, which is quite funny :)
And don't forget: Happiness is a cigar called Hamlet. The mild cigar.
PS: I wasn't 'just about to quit smoking' but it sounded nice.
english written post,
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