Nici daca ma chinui nu pot vorbi ca ea.
But do remember! If you see dead in your eyes when you leave the space of the accident, you can not do show.
PS: Dudes! E proasta. Muzica ei nu are cum sa fie altfel decat... proasta. It's not that hard...
But do remember! If you see dead in your eyes when you leave the space of the accident, you can not do show.
PS: Dudes! E proasta. Muzica ei nu are cum sa fie altfel decat... proasta. It's not that hard...
Is this scripted or in the same style as Borat?
This was filmed in essentially the same style as Borat. It was made in the same style (mixing interviews, pranks on the public and scripted scenes to create a narrative) and is also based on one of Sacha Baron Cohen's characters from Da Ali G Show.
... and the proof that I WAS RIGHT! Suck on that.
Aw and... parental guide?! :))))))
Pubic Hair Is Very Briefly Seen.
In close up and using CGI, a penis is shown to talk (Scene is Brief). In the Australian release this scene includes a non-pixilated penis both flapping up and down and spinning around in circles, both clockwise and anti-clockwise, before the penis points directly at the camera and talks.
A large bare breasted woman is shown to beat Bruno with a belt. She is also not wearing any panties but there is no explicit view of her genitalia.
Daca cumva nu sunt coerenta, ma scuzati. Am fost hiperactiva, acum m-am molesit iar dupa a doua cafea voi deveni titirez, ca sa citez pe cineva.
A Page out of my Diary
My wish became true. I still don’t know if it was a dream or not, because it all seemed real yet it was the queerest thing ever to happen to me. I went to the appointment, but I just wanted to see how far someone might go with a joke.
A huge man on a horse scared me to death. I started running but after a while I noticed that no one was following me anymore. I still had to find a place to hide in case that lunatic was still looking for me. In front of me there was a very tall wall of glass. It looked like it was a big aquarium, but the fish were missing and the water had bubbles of air in it. Although the wall was transparent no one could recognize me from behind because that large quantity of water was distorting me. I started looking for the corner but after a long while I returned to where I had left. Looking attentively in the back I saw the man on the horse again, but he was in the same place. I decided to go back and see why he doesn’t move. Wandering around it and checking it carefully it came to me that it was a toy. But why would someone make such a big toy? Who could ever play with it?
I tried to climb it to see what the view from the top was, but I couldn’t. That plastic material was glossy and it would have taken me ages to climb it, so I had to think of another way to go up. I saw a box near me. To read what it was written on it, I was forced to take two steps for every letter. I finally understood! I really was tiny! That box was a box of matches and we all know how small matches are. I finally climbed on the toy and what I had thought it was a big aquarium was actually a glass of sparkling water. Everything was very clear to me, yet I was shocked. I did not know what to do. I thought I might find someone to talk to. But thinking all those objects were at their regular sizes, my hopes disappeared at once.
I was endorsing the toy and still thinking what to do next to pass the day quicker and then I fell. The horse wasn’t there anymore. I started worrying about a huge human-being being able to crush me in less than one second. Looking back I saw a huge hand coming towards me and I suddenly found myself high in the air, having two enormous blue eyes staring at me. I cannot describe what I felt at that moment. They were so beautiful but this didn’t matter because children are so unforeseeable. I thought he would play with me, as he would have played with a toy, but he must have felt something because he started talking to me. His voice was difficult to distinguish and it sounded like I was at a rock concert with a broken sound system, but it was even harder when I had to talk. My neck was hurting after 10 minutes of yelling, but at least I explained to the boy what had happened to me and he seemed very excited about the story. He told me that he really wanted to present me to his parents but I was not that sure about the idea. My intuition was right… his parents had told him that tiny human beings did not exist and to leave them alone because they were in the middle of a conversation with their hosts. He was a bit confused, but seeing that I was so logical and that I could talk to him, he started explaining to his parents that I was real. I agree that he was a little annoying, but they could have spared me from being thrown along with the garbage!
It was very smelly but there was nothing to be done given that the garbage could not be crossed by a small thing like me. The smell became growingly worse so I preferred to take a nap.
When I woke up I saw a glass of water on my night table and I was sure that I had dreamt all of those weird things. But the moment I entered the living room I fainted! The little boy, his toy horse and his parents were visiting my mother.
Stiu ca nu e cine stie ce, insa sunt atasata cumva de ea. Imi amintesc chiar si lectia la care am avut tema asta: Gulliver :P.
In orice caz, nu am terminat inca cu ordinea. Asta a fost doar o mica parte. Vreau sa scap de tot ce este la suprafata. E mult prea aglomerata camera mea si simt cum ma oboseste - bine, sincer, cred ca ma oboseste faptul ca nu dorm dar shhht.
Ma intorc la munca de sclav.
Later edit:
Am fost destul de productiva in ciuda somnului care m-a acaparat... am eliberat 6 sertare, am pus totul aranjat frumos intr-o mare cutie si am umplut un saculet - sac pare prea mare - de aruncat. Nu am terminat, Doamne fereste, insa sunt incredibil de fericita ca m-am apucat intr-un final. Deja ma simt mai bine. Si consider ca merit, in primul rand, sa mananc si in al doilea rand o dota, un film, un ceva.
Dar inainte sa trec la relaxare, trebuie sa va zic ce am mai gasit. Pai niste poezii cam imbecile... niste desene mai mult sau mai putin decente... astea din perioada liceului. Insaaa am gasit si niste scrisori pentru Mos Nicolae de cand aveam 9 ani.
Va las sa va minunati singuri... :-s
Basically, pentru cine nu intelege, pe vremea cand am facut desenul stiam deja ca Mos Craciun si Mos Nicolae nu exista, dar eram inca in perioada de negare. Astfel, am creat acest personaj mitic fantastic, omul tatoamama (asta se vroia a fi) sau mamoatata. Cum s-o arzi asa?!
Cred ca mi se tragea de la zergii din Starcraft... *thinking*